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F-1.1-Health and Safety Policy

We view Health and Safety as an integral part of their business. The Company strive to continually Improve health and safety while merging it into daily operations.


The Company, and its management, are committed to the health and safety of all workers, visitors, and the public across all business premises and work sites by undertaking all measures reasonably practicable to provide a safe working environment.

We are committed to:


  • Complying with all obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Its Regulations, Codes of Practice and any relevant Industry standards or guidelines. Providing and maintaining a safe work environment that is without risk to health and safety.

  • Ensuring the safe use, handling and storage of plant, substances and equipment.

  • Establish safe systems of work, practices and safe operating procedures.

  • Ensuring a Health and Safety Management System is In place with continual review, maintenance and improvement of our processes, policies and procedures.

  • Providing adequate facilities for the welfare of worker’s, including access to these facilities.

  • Providing Information, training, instruction and supervision necessary to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety and ensuring this training is kept up to date.

  • Monitoring the health and safety of workers and the conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing Illness or injury.

  • Identifying and managing known and perceived hazards by eliminating or minimising the potential risk.

  • Encouraging worker consultation and participation In health and safety matters. Accurately reporting and recording all injuries, incidents and near misses.


Manawatu Trafflc Solutions Ltd will engage with workers and provide them every opportunity to identify and manage risk and foster a positive culture towards health and safety and risk management. Our goal is to create a culture where workplace safety is everyone's responsibility.

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